Perception is everything

Perception is everything

By Posted on 3 min read 1368 views

It's amazing how much difference perception can make. We've been looking at the BMW six series and inside it feels huge. When comparing it to other cars, there is no other car we've sat in that feels so big! When we put the car seats in it looks you could easily get two car ...

Sweating In Jeans

Sweating In Jeans

By Posted on 3 min read 2454 views

When you wake up in the morning you look out the window and see what the weather's looking like. Based on this you make a decision on what you're going to wear for the day. Today I made the wrong decision. I chose jeans. Daaaammmmnnn, that was not the right choice. By lunchtime it was so damn ...

My day of achievement

My day of achievement

By Posted on 3 min read 1562 views

Yesterday was a great day. The sun was shining and I managed to get a huge amount done whilst also spending time with Max. It doesn't get much better than that! Because the weather was so good, Max was outside playing with Holly. His favourite toy is a push car, so while I was mowing the lawn, ...

Screaming Children

Screaming Children

By Posted on 3 min read 1541 views

What's been happening on America's border recently is truly horrific. The videos, photos and images coming out of the children detention centers is the kind of things nightmares are made of. Worse, it's what you expect from facist regimes, not what you expect from a democratic world power. Personally I find the sickening display of trying ...

Twitter Growth (to the max)

Twitter Growth (to the max)

By Posted on 2 min read 1222 views

Did know that 82% of Twitter users have less than 350 people following them? That's nothing. Unless you're super-engaged with your community there, it won't benefit you (from a marketing perspective) in any way. Back in 2015 I started a growth plan on Twitter, I had 30 followers when I started it, and the first time I ...