Obama… the founder of ISIS

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I meant WTF is going on?!

Reported in USA Today was this statement made by Donald Trump:

“In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS,” Trump said.

The thing is, I don’t honestly believe he thinks that. He’s just saying whatever he thinks is going to cause the greatest reaction.

Which for a political leader, is very dangerous.

But for an internet marketer, can work wonders. As long as you don’t over-use it.

As an internet marketer, you want to stir up emotions and reactions in your email subject lines, sales page headline copy, landing page copy, blog posts and social media posts.

And to do that, you have to have an opinion.

Don’t try and pander to your audience, be true to who you are.

Say your thoughts and feelings, be honest, and let your following know what you feel.

You’re gonna piss some folk off. But hey, you can’t please everybody!

If you simply say your mind, you will get a reaction. And any reaction, good or bad, shows that people are listening and hearing you. Which is exactly what you want.



P.S. Sarah Staar is popping by to visit in a minute, she’s on her Tesla road-trip and is stopping in so we can chat about marketing thangs and bizniss. It’s always great to catch up with her, and I’ll give you the low-down on what we chat about later today.

P.P.S. Until then… you may want to get your hands on this pretty awesome book:


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