That’s what I’ve got to look forward to over the next 48 hours.

We’re babysitting Holly’s cousin’s four children. They’re all under five and two of them are babies.

It’s a bit like going to war.

Our weapons are toys and activities. We have to distract the enemy so that they don’t realise our plan is to exhaust them so they can’t do anything except sleep.

My escape…

…writing emails.

I’ve got this uncanny ability to zone out from the world when I’m writing. Anything can be going on around me and I don’t hear it and it doesn’t affect me.

But I don’t tell anybody else that, I make them think I need to go to a cafe to get some work done 😉

Yesterday I got asked by James when he should start selling to his list.

My reply… “If you’re asking me then you’re already behind.

The best time to start selling to your list is on day one. Ignore the people who say you shouldn’t sell to your list for one, two, three or even more weeks.

Why are you building a list?

To sell your products to it.

When are your leads hottest?

The day they first join your list.

Why would you wait to begin selling to them!

If they don’t want to have your products or hear what you’ve got to say, then they don’t want to be on your list.



P.S. If you haven’t started building your list yet then…. whaaaaaaat the heck are you doing!

Here’s a great way to get the first 1500 people on your list:

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